During the first #polwv tweet up, (yes we West Virginia political junkies in Charleston had a tweet up at the infamous Red Carpet last night), I said that it’s time we look beyond party lines and have real conversation about how in the heck we are going to keep people working in this state tomorrow, ten years from now, and beyond. Let’s face it, coal is hanging in the balance, and Senator Rockefeller’s legislation only gives us about two years before the EPA cuts off coal jobs.
On Tuesday night, we watched as Republicans earned a few more victories, putting them in control of the House. This, I feel, is a good thing, (and yes, I’m a Democrat). Why? Because when one party has total control of the White House and one or both chambers of Congress, only one agenda gets pushed. When government is divided, like it is now, we have a better chance of getting legislation passed that will actually do some good. When one party controls everything, legislation is either to the far left or the far right, and someone gets blamed for things when they go wrong. That being said, having a balance allows us to develop more effective solutions for our country’s issues that will, hopefully, trickle down to the states.
While that’s just my personal opinion, what do you think? And since trends in wild, wonderful West Virginia occur about two years behind that of the rest of the nation, how does Tuesday’s election foreshadow what will take place in the mountain state in 2012? (Or maybe 2011...)
Too many see the word "compromise" and think of the negative connotation of the word. Personal compromise isn't good, that much is true. But political compromise is essential to efficient working of our form of government. If we didn't have political compromise we wouldn't have the U.S. Constitution. A well-writtern piece as always Cartney.