With Manchin headed to Washington, what does that mean for us here in wild, wonderful, West Virginia? Well I believe we’ll have a gubernatorial primary in a few months. Can you believe West Virginia will have three straight years of political campaigns?
Several politicians have already thrown their hat in the ring as contenders to take over Manchin’s mansion, including Treasurer John Perdue, Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin, Senator Brooks McCabe, and Speaker of the House Rick Thompson for starters.
Treasurer Perdue named his campaign manager, Chuck Smith, early last month. Brooks McCabe stated his intentions to run back in late August. And through the numerous ceremonies for the late Senator Byrd, West Virginians saw what a match-up between Tomblin and Thompson would look like when several photos of each soon-to-be candidate standing at podium where perfectly positioned beside each other appeared in several newspaper articles.
But the list doesn’t end there, as I have a feeling several 2012 candidates could switch to 2010. Senator Jeff Kessler has announced his intentions to run in 2012, and he even as a website, jeffkessler4gov2012.com, but jeffkessler4gov2010.com is still available. Senate Minority Leader Clark Barnes has also stated he’d run for governor in 2012, and I have a sneaky suspicion that Senate Minority Leader Mike Hall has visions of governor’s mansions dancing in his head at night.
Either way, I can’t help but wonder with everyone running for office, who is running West Virginia government?
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