Will we have another very special election in West Virginia? That’s all the buzz from the panhandles to the southern coal fields. The great legislative battle has begun between the House of Delegates and the Senate, with the Speaker and President going head-to-head. While the issue is whether or not we should elect someone as our governor for two years, after all the campaigning is said and done and the general election won, it’ll be one year that person will actually be governing the great state of West Virginia. Yes, succession and special election law and code is ambiguous. But the problems our beloved Mountain Momma faces going forward are not ambiguous in the least.
We’ve got massive economic and financial issues to tackle, and it’s going to be a rough ride. Starting with continuing to diversifying our energy portfolio, the OPEB liability, carbon capture, and investing more heavily in infrastructure, bringing targeted industries to the state, how to decrease the school drop out rate....these are the issues the legislature needs to be focusing on developing solutions to. And it starts by putting West Virginia and her residents first.
Can we afford another special election? While that’s the $10 million dollar question, what will be the fall-out from spending that money? Will state, county, and city jobs be cut? Does any current or potential 2011 gubernatorial candidate have a feasible solution so the second very special election won’t be such a burden on tax payers? (Now there’s a great campaign idea.) Moreover, what immediate, tangible results will the next governor (in 2011) be capable of providing West Virginians as an incentive to re-elect that person in 2012?
Have any of the 2011 gubernatorial candidates outlined a specific strategy to move our state forward?
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