It’s not uncommon that fashion designers, from prêt a porter to haute couture, express their political views in their designs and/or their advertising.
My favorite political fashion designer is Kenneth Cole, whose advertisements for his Fall 2011 Womens’ Ready to Wear Collection clearly depict his personal political views.
My personal favorite is this one regarding the pro-life versus pro-choice continuous debate. Pay particular attention to the way this question is worded. Was the original sentence “It should be a woman’s right to choose if she’s the one carrying it.” And Cole switched the first two words to make the viewer pause and realize this his intended point?
Here is another example from Cole advertising campaigns from past collections.
On to my point… I posted this photo on Facebook this cold, rainy morning in early September at first because I was excited about fall fashions. The more I got to thinking about it, is Choo subtly making a point with his shoe designs?
With the 2012 elections
approaching with cheetah-like speed, would Choo be calling for greater transparency in government? In campaign finance? Do his shoe designs speak out against Citizens United? With more and more PACs and super PACs forming to help get candidates elected, where’s the money coming from?
So all you politicos, maybe there’s more to a Choo than meets the eye.
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