
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Political Rurality

The political rurality of the American Health Care Act is that it infects the very people who handed Trump the White House. Yes, those older, lower-income, conservative voters in rural areas like my native West-By-God-Virginia.

As if Republicans in rural areas weren’t already scared enough to come face-to-face with their constituents in town halls (much less even think about campaigning for re-election next year), they decide to inject a fatal needle into the hearts of the very people who voted for them.

Under the A.H.C.A, the taxes credits offered are tied to age are horrifically less helpful for low-income, rural, older Americans that Obamacare’s federal subsidies. Furthermore, the Congressional Budget Office said that insurers could actually charge older Americans who enroll three to five times more than younger enrollees. Seniors in rural areas are already facing hardships paying higher premiums because there are typically less options for healthcare.

That being said, not only does the A.H.C.A. hurt individuals, it could signal the death of rural hospitals across the country. The Affordable Care Act expanded Medicaid thousands who were previously uninsured, which then created new revenue for rural hospitals. In the past six years alone, over 700 rural hospitals have been forced to close due to financial problems.

So Trump promised to “Make America Great Again” then he and the GOP create a cancerous “healthcare for all” bill that leaves their top supporters literally dying and unable to get treatment. Wow DJT, you and your GOP buddies and billionaire pals are just cancerous for America.

Oh, and don’t even get me started on that Paul’s PowerPoint…

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