This audacious action comes on the heels of the largest
protest in United States History, the 1.21.17 Women’s March. This past
Saturday, we joined together in solidary to stand up the rights for women, men,
and children across America and around the world. It was a day of healing for
those of us who still feel as if Hillary Clinton’s defeat bears the same weight
as your best friend passing away; a day of inspiration for all genders and all
ages; a day of compassion; a day when we showed the world what a peaceful
protest looks like.
Our march continues! The organizers have set up 10 Action Steps,
and thousands of women and men are signing up to become advocates for NARAL,
Planned Parenthood, She Should Run, Vote Run Lead, and numerous other organizations. I ask
anyone who reads this to make your voice heard consistently and effectively,
from communicating with your local and federal elected officials to volunteering
to help register people to vote to sharing your thoughts and feeling across
social media, to starting blogs, and having conversations with your friends and
family on a regular basis. The time is now, and if Saturday showed us all one thing
only, it’s that yes, the force of America is with us.